Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Thinking Too Much - The book

Thinking Too Much
a collection of poems by Seamus Kelly

After many hours of toil, editing poems, editing them again, writing an introduction, managing contents, layout, cover and back cover design and liaising with the printers; I finally have my book.

In fact I have a box of books:

Thinking Too Much - They're here!

"Quien descubre el quien soy descubrira el quien eres"

The quote above from Pablo Neruda's La Injustica seemed appropriate for inclusion after the introduction; speaking as it does about discovering others through discovering oneself.

Contents page - Thinking Too Muc
There are 34 poems in the book covering a wide range of issues from family, love, death and illness, to my own views on society and some of the things that are wrong with it. It isn't all doom and gloom of course and there are amusing and hopefully inspiring tales in this short collection and I hope readers might make a few discoveries of their own.

So "Thinking Too Much" is here now.

I'll be finalising a launch event shortly and you'll be able to read the announcement here, but for those who just can't wait....

You can catch me and buy a copy at a poetry or writing event for £7 per copy - I'll be happy to sign it for you.

If you would prefer to have a copy delivered to your door then that can be arranged by emailing me at info@seamuskellypoetry and I can arrange payment through PayPal

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